Sunday, September 11, 2011


Garnet briolettes and teeny, tiny peridots, all twisted up on silver hoops. Now dd wants me to make HER a pair...gonna have to be different colors, though..I never did get into the not my thing. :p

Playing along at:

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Todays Creative Blog

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I took a walk tonight, at moonrise..

Friday, September 09, 2011

Kids of Yesterday..

Currently extremely obsessed with this song..

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Loving these works by Kathe Fraga...the colors just make me happy..


All images found via Kathe Fraga, who I found on Pinterest..

Sunday, August 28, 2011


It's insane, her voice..

And if you are like me and can't get enough of it, try her taking on Lady Antebellum (accompanied by Hootie of Blowfish fame, and cheered on by Lady A themselves..)

..or kissing off her ex:

'Scuze me...gotta go hit replay again..

Edit: Good grief...all I see in the Google reader is blank space with ads and some that what you all see, too?? When the heck did they change to that??

Thursday, August 25, 2011

That looks...interesting..

It seems to be fig season here in Hawaii. I know this because I was handed a large bag of ripe right now figs, overflow from their tree that they couldn't keep up with. Since I seem to be the only one in the house who like fresh figs, I am now trying to come up with ways to use them up..which leads me to the next question...who the heck has heard of fig soup? Not as a dessert, a main meal item. The people who gave them to me said they have been making it a lot, and that it was an Asian thing. I dunno...I can be adventurous in my palate, but my mind is boggling about this...has anyone had or heard of that before? 

And, what else can I do with these sitting on my counter in dire need of using up??

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

White Blank Page..

Still a massive fan of these guys..

(Holy macaroni, my last post was in MARCH!! I totally fell off the wagon!! Sorry, folks! Won't happen (much) again! :D )

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fantasy world..

Nearly died when I first saw Sveta Dorosheva's work over on DudeCraft...I just want to live in her world. Isn't she A-MAZ-ING???? You can find her here. SO worth a click over and seeing her pictures in their entirety...she is illustrating books, and by that I mean, the whole thing, text and all. A-MAZ-ING.

Sveta Dorosheva

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A learning experience..

This here is a last glimpse of my most recent learning experience. I learned how to make ball headpins, using sterling wire and a propane torch (AWESOME!!! :D ). I learned to not just wrap at will, and pay attention, or you will end up uneven. I learned a photo will show you that it WASN'T your imagination, and something def was askew. And I learned I need to be more aware of earrings in my ear, even if they are so extremely comfortable, or I will never know when one disappears, and won't even know where to begin to look for it, esp if I went out all day, and then again all evening, wearing them. :(

They sure were pretty, though, weren't they? :)


Sister Sister Sunday

Monday, March 14, 2011


It's sooooo lovely to open your inbox and see that someone loves your work enough to give you an award!! :D And I got this one twice!! :happydance:

The first one is from Audrey, at A Day With a Domestic Engineer (love the name...I was a domestic engineer for years, lol!)..She has all kinds of cool projects, furniture remakes, etc. Check it out! :D

The second came from Tru, at Tru Tales Feats. Super talented in many different arts, and very understated about how she seems to be able to just do anything! :D

So, the rules...

1. Thank the givers. DONE.
2. Share seven things about myself.
3. Pass it on to 15 newly discovered bloggers (who the heck comes up with *15* as a number? Obviously not someone who has had to actually do that. :p We'll see how I go, lol. )
4. Contact them and tell them about it.

So. Seven things. Um.

1. I live in Hawaii. But I was also born here, and spent enough time in early childhood here before beginning my world roaming, to set my preferences. This temperature is what the world should be, imo. :D The water in the ocean should also be like this. When I was growing up, and swimming in various other oceans and lakes, this water is what I would dream about, cause this is "right". :P And I like the food here.

2. I like to dabble. I call myself a Jill of All Trades, cause I know a little bit of everything, but can't call myself an expert on anything. The closest thing I could say would be sewing, but even then, at this point, I am not even close. I need more large chunks of time to just immerse myself in figuring out how the heck to do this or that, and I rarely get that.

3. I am a salty over sweet kind of person. I don't mind sweets, but if I had to choose, I would choose savory over sweet anytime. It's my total downfall every time. The only exception would be cheesecake. Baked. Like my SIL made last night, and I am currently drooling over this morning. Scuze me while I go raid the fridge.

Okay, back. Let's continue. :D

4. I have never been farther east than Michigan. One day I am going to make it to NY. My ds shares that dream, and will murder me if I go without him. :p Of course, Europe is on the cards, and I will go with SIL...we are mutually agreed that we are not taking the Stick In the Mud..aka, dh. He would hate every min of being dragged all over every nook and cranny, and we would hate to have him complaining as we try to fit this and this and this in. :p

5. I like to have tabs open in my browser. A lot of them. Like, I had 73 open at one point. Drives dh, and pretty much everyone else who sees them, bonkers. But it's the only way I remember to ever get back to them and do what I planned on doing with whatever is on that page. God bless whoever invented tabs. Cause it used to be windows. One window open for every site. Talk about driving dh bonkers! :p

6. I like hot drinks. Even on hot days. I always get a hot latte, no matter what the temp is outside.

7. I am a laundry freak. I wash EVERYTHING. All the time. My laundry pile is generally out of control, cause I also line dry, and between limited drying hours, and Hawaii's propensity to rain randomly all the time (even on sunny days....there's a reason this is the Rainbow State), I can't dry fast enough to clear out everything in the pile before I add more. Too bad I loathe folding and putting away, though. THAT pile is also out of control. :p

There ya go. Seven random facts, showing off my weirdness. :D I know, I am a lost cause.

Okay, on to the *15* new to me blogs. Let's see how many I can do. :p

1. DIY Home Sweet Home Projects. Projects, ideas, style. Love it.

2. Attempting Aloha. Cool projects, neat ideas, oh, and she lives on my Island, so she understands the unique position of living in a crafting wasteland, and the shifts you need to go to to make things work. :p

3. The Tattered Tag. Awesome linkie party, and lots of cool ideas and projects. (Anyone notice a theme? I love places that give me ideas. :p I am not one of those people who read many blogs that just talk about life. You gotta be showing me something at the same time. lol )

4. DudeCraft. I have no idea if he would even care about receiving this award, but I found his blog recently, and it is sooo inspiring! :D

5. Amy's Show and Tell. Okay, I only found her last night, via my Sitemeter, which showed a click through from there, but what I found was awesome. Not the least cause she made a bench using my tut, and it is SO CUTE!!! :D

(Oh, man, only up to five, and I have to go out soon!)

6. Keeping It Simple. Tutorials, man. I'm all about the tutorials.

7. Welcome to the Good Life. There are two of them, Hawaii is involved, and she is fearless with her clothes remakes. :D

8. Girl In Air. Not sure there is anything this girl can't do, and luckily for us, she tells *us* how to do it, too.

Well, look at that...I got all the way to eight! :D Way to go me! :D

Okay, I am collapsing at the end of the day, my eyes are closing on me, and my computer is being weird, so I am packing it in. I'll tell all those guys they are here when I get up tomorrow. :P

I hope you all love the people I listed as much as I do! ::D

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Where are my links??

Anyone having a problem with linkies in Blogger? I have been adding buttons for all these linkie parties I have been joining, but looking down the list, I have all these blank gaps, with nothing in there, and I have been seeing over the last couple of days, a button will go blank, even though the link is still those ones seem to be gone? What is UP??

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's that time of the year again..

It be my birthday. :D Happy Birthday to me!! lol

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Build your own bench...

Okay, so not an imaginative title. :p But nonetheless..I promised a tut for this a million years ago, and it's time to make good.. :p

Tools and supplies needed:

Board or boards, the width you want your bench, and enough length to make two legs and the seat...Mine is about two feet high, by three feet across. So, a total of seven feet in length.

A board or a couple boards to make the supports..I used a piece 2" deep, 8" wide, and 12" long. This was large enough to make both supports.

Wood screws x 10

Sandpaper, med grit (100 grit)


Waterbase varnish (optional)



Electric sander (optional)

Measuring tape or ruler

Wood glue


Kraft paper and pencil

Start with your board...mine was an old, painted shelf we had no need for. Bonus, was already pre-distressed. :D Lay across your sawhorses or whatever you use to hold a board for cutting with a saw. 

Measure out your sections, and mark off. 

Using your paper...draw out an attractive curve for the sides of the legs. I used the edge of the paper to match up the straight edge of the board so I could do it evenly. Trace it onto the board, and flip and repeat for the other side. 

I wanted this decorative detail at the foot of the legs, so I added it in.

Cut out your design details, using the jigsaw. For the side scroll pattern, start at the point, and saw through the curves and off the edge. For bottom, it's a little more tricky. First, cut out the curved bottom. Ignore the little square. Once that is out, move on to the square. 

Starting at one bottom corner of the square, start cutting up, and curve through the corner, straightening at the top, and ending at the corner. You should end up with half that square cut at the top. Repeat on the other side.Clean up any uneven-ness across the top by making another pass along with the blade. Ask me what the heck I am talking about if I am unclear. :p

Cut off that section along your previously marked line, and repeat for the next leg.

I totally messed up, and didn't get pics of this part, but you are going to make supports for each side of the seat. You will make them pretty much the same way you made the legs, but only cut on one side, and leave the other side flat, to support the seat. Please refer to the pic six spots down for a better idea. Heh.

At this point, I find it easiest to sand the pieces before assembling. I smoothed the edges, and then rounded the corners, to give a more worn appearance. Yes, I totally sucked at cutting that little square out. Sue me. :D

Using the ruler, find the middle point of the leg, along the top edge. 

About an inch or so down, pre-drill in a screw, but don't let it go all the way through. Make another one about 1.5 inches below that. 

Take your wood glue, 

..and smear it all over the side edge of the support, on the area that will be against the legs.

This part is fiddly, and maybe someone else has a kickass idea on how to do this, but I don't, so, put the glue end against the inner side of the legs, behind where the screws are, brace the board somehow, and complete the screws. Make sure the top edge of the support is flush with the top edge of the leg. Repeat on other side.

On the seat board, predrill three screws, along the outside edge, where the legs will be. 

Apply more wood glue along the top edges..

..and put the seat onto the legs, screwing down completely. At this point, if you really care, you can fill in the screw heads with putty, let dry, and sand smooth, ready for painting. I, um, don't, really..

Painting: So, I was using a prepainted shelf, so I already had two coats of paint I had applied at some previous time. If you aren't, you are going to need at least one coat underneath for texture and smoothness on the paint. Let that dry, rub over with a wax candle on the high wear areas, and then paint on your contrast color. I used high gloss china red, cause 1. I loved it, and 2. I had a looot of it. :p 

When the paints are all dry, give it a sand...I sanded it all over, to give a smooth and worn appearance, and paid special attention to the high wear areas. The wax you previously smoothed on will help the paint you applied over it to flake off, giving a very vintage, aged look. Beautiful. :D From there, I gave it two coats of varnish, cause it's intended destination is outdoors, and I wanted it to last. You may choose not to, if you want.

Install in your desired location, step back, and don't sprain your elbow trying to pat yourself on the back, cause you did this!! Woohoo!! :D

As usual, let me know about any glaring mistakes, and PLEASE show me if you make one, too!! :D :D


 The DIY Show Off
The Girl Creative"/>"/>

Keeping It Simple
Tip Junkie handmade projects

It's a Blog Party 

DIY Thrifty Thursday @ Thrifty 101 

UPDATE: If I am joined to your linkie, but you don't see your button here, let me know, so I can manually add the link. For some reason, my blog is rejecting the code for a lot of them. I just tried to add one three times, and not once did the code take, though the gap where I kept placing it kept expanding, with nothing in it. ARGH.

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