Patty, over at
Pipstitch, gave me my very first if you care to learn some totally random, useless information, read on!! :D
Rules first:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
Six unspectacular quirks (dh would wonder how on earth I will manage to keep it at only 6):
1. I don't like milk. This includes vanilla icecream, because it tastes like milk. But I eat it in my cereal, and add it to my drinks, and eat all other dairy. Just not plain milk. And I can drink it hot. But not cold, and GOD NO not lukewarm. Barf.
2. I wipe my kitchen counters in specific patterns. And rinse the cloth between specific numbers of wipes. I am working hard to change that, though, cause it's a lot easier to wipe down a mess if you don't have to do a whole set routine everytime you go to clean a spill.
3. I hang up my laundry with matching pairs of clothespins. Always. I will re-peg clothes, and hunt out the dropped ones, and swap other pins, to make sure I am always hanging with a matched set. And close enough doesn't cut it. If the blues aren't exact, I need to keep searching til I find the right one. It's really not all that much more work, and the results are worth it. :p
4. Last time I did a count, I had 73 windows open on my laptop. Drives dh completely bonkers. I tell him leave me alone...HE doesn't have to deal with them, so let me be! It also bugs the living crap outta him that my desktop is covered in icons, since I drop everything miscellaneous onto it, if it doesn't have a designated place yet.
5. I like weeds. I told my FIL recently, if it's green and happy, it stays. :p (I draw the line at stickers, though. I will ruthlessly root out anything like that, very successfully, usually, too.)
6. I hold my breath when I walk past someone on the street, til that gust of air that hits you after they pass has hit. I don't like unexpectedly inhaling someone else's smell.
There. Six little facts about me. Not scared, are ya?? Don't worry..I don't know where most of you live, anyway. :p
I tag: