Went crazy with the handkerchief bin at St Vinnie's, nevermind that I don't actually ever USE hankies in anything....

These are just simple, basic, vintage little hankies...most of them are just printed on, though one has a sweet little embroidery on it. They are in the condition I got them in, including random stickers that say Made in Ireland on one or two of them (I think...they are in the other room, and I am wayyy too lazy to get up and get them....hey, it's 2am, I am allowed to be in a zombie state. :p

Besides, with my borderline OCD, I hate to break up a set...like madly, passionately...and those two are from the same place. Don't listen to dh, I am not actually REALLY a freak. :p I just have...preferred way of doing things, heh.
Okay, so rules, umm...never done these before, so trying to remember what all is important!! Leave a comment, and on Friday midnight, Sydney time, I'll go find me a random number generator thing, and draw a number. Sound right?
Oh, look what else I got the same day:

The purse is totally on it's way out, but since I don't want anything but the handles, I am totally set. :D Aren't they just the coolest??
Oh, feel free to post my giveaway info around...since it makes my numbers look all awesome and all. :p Yes, I am shameless.
Side note to self...poly-cotton does not like being ironed on a linen setting.
Another note to self...don't buy poly-cotton, no matter how awesome the price looks. The crap just isn't worth it.
Pretty hankies? Me me me me me! Pick me!!!
Okay, what the hey? Count me in for a giveaway!
Sign me up (that is if you are shipping to the states!)
I love me some hankies!
I'm a total hanky addict. I have a drawer full...I never use them cuz I don't wanna mess em up. Please sign me up for your give-a-way. BTW, I was reading your post about being cold and wanting to go home and missing the crack seed...I completely feel ya. My whole mom's side is from HI and whenever we go there or they come here they bring treats (this basically means seeds and portugese sausage) I miss it too.
Count me in! I love hankies and have a small collection of them. Thank you!
My grandmother used to have loads and loads of hankies. Maybe it's a collection that I need to start!?
Oh, I am putting my comment in for those hankies, they are so pretty!
And the purse handles are to die for, I love them!!!!
I Love hankies!!! Yours are gorgeous count me in for the give a way! I wish I could remember what led me to your blog, but I love it! I like to see my comment numbers high too, it just isn't happening for me. Ohh and the purse handles are lovely.
I am always up for a giveaway. I've been lurking around a bit the last few weeks, giveaways are the fool proof way to pull me out of lurkdom.
You know I LOOOOVE the hankies!!!
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